Inspiring the next generation
We were invited to Les Quennevais School last week for their inaugural Careers Fair. Students from year 7 through to year 11 were joined by 35 organistions in the school’s brand new facilities. Austin, Chris and Katie were on hand to answer questions and show the students how innovative digital technology is being integrated into the healthcare sector. Aspiring doctors and scientists picked our brains on life as a medic and for advice on applications.
Virtual Reality
Students were able to try out a number of software programmes in our VR headsets - some chose to try their hand at Oxford Medical Simulation, assessing unwell virtual patients , as their friends watched their progress on the big screen. Others opted for the more relaxing Healthy Mind experience, diving into the meditative environments we offer to patients undergoing procedures. Powered by sharecareVR, some inquisitive students were also able to look inside the human body, visualising anatomy in health and disease.