“I KNOW it’s not real but it FEELS real!”
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
We welcomed @jerseyhospice staff to the lab to give them an experience of Virtual Reality and discuss the studies demonstrating VR’s role in reducing pain, promoting cognitive flow and, of course: simple escapism. Time and time again whenever someone has a VR experience the same phrase is uttered. “I KNOW it’s not real but if FEELS real!”. Whether it’s swimming with dolphins or slicing blocks with a lightsaber, in that moment you are completely immersed. This ability to induce the physical sensations of emotional states is incredibly powerful. Watching our biometric monitors rise and fall as they drifted through the tranquillity of Healthy Mind and lived out their Jedi fantasies demonstrated this perfectly. Google Earth to places you've never had the chance to visit, relax on a canoe on the great lakes, take a guided meditation or experiencing your grand-daughter's wedding through live 360 streams: just a few of the use cases we thought might be applicable in a hospice setting.
Welcoming @jerseyhospice to the lab
Sometimes within that patient group anger is a powerful emotion, understandably so. Going 5 rounds with Apollo might not immediately seem an obvious clinical use but sometimes giving an avenue to express that anger in a safe environment can be hugely valuable to the patient. We look forward to their thoughts, experiments and of course supporting them in the future.